The Dreadnought, 377 tons, under Captain Bidder, took a somewhat circuitous route to Port Natal, as the captain lost his bearings on more than one occasion. This isn't as impossible as one might imagine. Later steamers ploughed a straight furrow across the seas. Navigation in the days of sail could be very hit and miss and if weather was bad "dead reckoning" had to be relied on, plotting compass bearings, prevailing current and the vessel's speed. So the position of the ship after storms or cloudy skies could bear little relation to that plotted on the chart. Gales could spring up and blow the ship off course, and being becalmed was another hazard. Sometimes, much tacking had to be done back and forth without gaining many sea miles. Dreadnought was an old ship, and not in the best condition. She left London on 17 August 1849 and arrived at Natal on 2 November, having run out of drinking water supplies.
One of her passengers was destined to be closely involved in the development of the port: John MILNE, a widower travelling with his daughter, Jessie. Milne, a Scottish engineer, had worked for John Rennie (who built Plymouth breakwater) and on harbours such as Leith. This experience would stand him in good stead when fighting the Battle of the Bar at Natal.
The VINNICOMBE family also arrived on this ship, bringing with them an assortment of musical instruments: George Vinnicombe was to build the first pipe-organ in the colony. His brother, Valentine, coming out to join the family later, was among those shipwrecked on the Minerva.
Nov 2nd - Dreadnought, bark, 338 tons, Capt. G Bidder, from London, with 114 passengers. Left the Downs 17th August.
Nov 4th - The Rosebud crossed the bar.
Oct 30th - Lalla Rookh, brig, Henderson, with cattle to Mauritius.
Outer Anchorage
Henry Tanner, bark, for Mauritius. GC Cato, Agent.
Dreadnought, ditto.
Gem, for Cape Town. H Jargal, Agent.
John Gibson, for Mauritius, to sail in a few days. GC Cato, Agent.
Rosebud, for Cape Town.
Archimedes, from Port Elizabeth.
Douglas, from Cape Town.
Aliwal, from London.

Mr Inchstone and family
Mr and Mrs Dawson
Intermediate and Steerage:
Thomas Hudson
G Vinnicombe and family
Robert Humphry and family
DJ Price and family
R Smith
Edward Goodwin and family
T Hind
E Tomlinson and family
G Tomlinson and wife
R Whitehorn and wife
J Robson
H Vertue
P Vertue
WH Roberts
J Puttarill and family
J Jacob and wife
F Jacob and family
F Corbit and family
R Harwen
EC Whitworth
W Whiting and family
G Waddelove
WH Fenton
Alfred Hubbard
William Smith and wife
John May and wife
John Dykes
T Hannah
F Stott
RL Brooke
Jabez South
W Hill
C Wakelin
J Harrison
D Paterson
J Paterson
F Ashford and wife
John Rogers
J Blackwood and wife
J Crowder and family
Isabella Masterman
John Bull
E Campbell and wife
WA Emerson and wife
WF Baths
E McFarlan
SV Phillips and wife
C Florey and family
R McLachlan
T McLachlan
John Eagle and family
Isaac Adams and family
FW Good
J Milne and family
Walter McFarlan
J McLauchlan
In all 65 males, 27 females, 22 children. Total 114 Persons.
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