Lighthouse Keeper Japie Greeff (currently at Cape Columbine light) shares an unusual encounter with us;
‘I was stationed at Cape Point Light from 1990 to mid-1993 and I very soon became aware of a little girl, about nine years old, who would often appear in the sitting room with me when I was watching television in my cottage. She was a dear, sweet little girl and would come and sit in the chair next to me and quietly watch television with me.
Many times I attempted to find out who this little girl had been.
Was she the daughter of a Lighthouse Keeper? If so, which Lighthouse Keeper?
Perhaps the daughter of a Captain from one of the ships of old, lying wrecked on the shore? Which Captain? Which ship?
Might it have been the Lusitania ? Eight people died when a lifeboat capsized from Lusitania , could this little girl have been one of those lost souls aboard the lifeboat?
What year did she pass away and under what circumstances?
All these questions lay unanswered as no-one knew anything about the history which surrounded her. I tried in vain to discover something about my dear little sweetheart and all I know, and can tell you, is that she was an endearing and gentle little soul.
To this day she still remains at the Cape Point Lighthouse and forever in my heart.’
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