The Wild Coast of South Africa is known for many famous shipwrecks and
this stretch of the coastline is notorious and especially treacherous to
shipping. This section of the coastal
route brings ships within close proximity to the Continental Shelf, which curves
in towards the land mass, generating gigantic swells, especially when strong
winds are opposing the south-running Agulhas coastal current.
Cape Hermes Lighthouse |
Cape Hermes Lighthouse is
associated with the mystifying disappearance of the SS Waratah in July 1909 with all on-board. It was just off Cape Hermes at Latitude 31.36 degrees South, Longitude
29.58 degrees East, that the last communication from the SS Waratah, by Morse signal lamp was made
with the Master of the Clan Macintyre
on 27 July 1909 ………
Cape Hermes Lighthouse, 31
38 06 South, 29 33 23 East, was named after the ship HMS Hermes, which undertook national
surveys of the Pondoland coastal waters. Dating back from around 1890 until
1903, the Cape Hermes Lighthouse was little more than a ship’s masthead light,
hanging outside the signal station. In1903
the octagonal stone tower was constructed under the direction of the highly respected
Lighthouse Engineer, H.C. Cooper, who also designed Cooper Light in Durban and
Cape Byron Light in Australia.
Trevor’s childhood
memories as a young boy of seven are a unique perspective of Lighthouse life
and he has provided us with anecdotal boyhood memories of their relocation in
June 1949, from Cape St. Lucia Lighthouse, Natal,
to Cape Hermes
near Port St Johns on the Transkei
Coast. Trevor Hannabus
was born at Cape Columbine Lighthouse and this unique circumstance presented
the opportunity to grow up in the interesting and diverse world of lighthouses,
particularly as his father, Lighthouse Keeper C.H. (Charlie) Hannabus, was to
be stationed at several lights along the coastline.
Drawn into the
exclusive coterie of Lighthouse Keepers, it is no surprise that Trevor soon
became fascinated with the technical aspects of lighthouse installations and as
a young man leaving home from Danger Point Lighthouse, he embarked on and completed
a radio Telecommunications course with Telkom.
Shortly after qualifying, he enrolled for a Radio Officer’s course
aboard a ship.
With the family
taking leave of the Cape St. Lucia Light, Trevor’s father had to remain at the
Light for some days to introduce the new Keeper, C.C.T. Roberts, to the daily
functions and requirements of that site, so the family went ahead and travelled
by car to their new destination.
Here is
Trevor’s story, through the eyes of that young boy.
“My mother was about 29 years old and it seemed to me
she did a good job driving all that way. I must have slept most of the way, as
the first recollection I have of the trip, was when we came to cross the Umzimvubu River. We had stopped on the bank and with a shock I
saw the road disappearing into the river! It took a little while before I saw
the Pont on the other side of the river and I watched in fascination as the
locals walked from the back to the front and grabbed hold of the rope and
pulled it along with them as they went to the back. The Pont slid up to the
road and we drove on board and by the same process took us to the far shore.
We were on our way again and we passed through the
little town and the school I was to soon attend, then the road led us up to a
gate and on the other side was a narrow double-track road. I was just about to
hop out to open the gate when I heard a moan coming from my mother
“I can’t drive up that little narrow path!” she cried.
“Why not,” I asked.
“What happens if we go off the edge and over the
“Ag Mom, don’t
be silly. You just go slowly and if a
wheel goes over the edge, you just put on brakes!” I replied.
The mention of the wheel going over the side almost
brought another groan from her, but before she could say anything, I hopped out
and opened the gate and looked back expectantly. I waited a while then went
back to the driver’s side.
“What’s the matter Mom,” I asked. This seemed to make
her rethink the situation. You see, I
was 7 years old and there were two babies on the back seat and she was the only
one that could do it. She slowly pulled forward and I closed the gate. I just managed
to get back into the car as there wasn’t much room between the car and the edge
of the road!
The trip up the side of the mountain seemed to take
longer than the trip we had just done, crawling and stopping ever so often and finally
we reached the two houses with the beautiful Cape Hermes Lighthouse standing
between them.
Cape Hermes Lighthouse |
The Lighthouse Assistant came out to meet us, opened
our house and I had to help carry the luggage from the car into the house and
help my Mother unpack. Finally I got to
look around! A huge boulder had been
embedded at the far end of the yard and I found out later that the boulder had
come loose from the hillside and rolled down just after the house had been
I found a path leading up to the top of the mountain
where the radio masts were erected. I never knew at that time that each
lighthouse sent out a Morse signal ZUX or something in that range, identifying
the source of the beacon, so that ships could take a bearing on two of these
signals and they were able to work out their actual position. The signals came
up every half hour for about 5 minutes.
A steep path led down to the rocks below and it seemed
as if there was a path all along the edge of the rocks leading to the beach and
in the opposite direction, leading away from the town of Port St Johns. This path was one I would take
many a time on my trips of exploration.
My Dad arrived a few days later and he laughed when I
told him of Mom’s concerns about driving up the narrow track on the side of the
hill. It so turned out, that she
eventually was zooming up and down that track like it was a wide, straight
Being half way up the mountain, we had a beautiful
view over the sea and many a day we could see porpoises going by. At night one
could see the lights of ships crossing the horizon. They moved so slowly and once a year there
was a whale that would come into the bay and perform all sorts of tricks in the
water. One minute he was standing on his head with his tail in the air and the
next he sprayed water into the air. Everything seemed to happen slowly and
Another favourite pastime of mine was to walk down
that little path at the bottom of the mountain, which took me to a bay where
round boulders reached from the surf to the base of the mountain. It was a
sight to behold, as these boulders were more or less the same size. It was if a
giant kid had lost all his marbles, but the attraction was the periwinkles that
were big and easy to get to. I would use my cap and fill it with periwinkles,
take them home and boil them for fifteen minutes. When I started cooking, usually
there was no one in sight, but soon people seemed to appear from the cracks in
the woodwork! I didn’t mind sharing my haul with the family; because I wouldn’t
have been able to eat them all by myself anyway!
Sadly, over holiday periods drownings would often occur
and where the river flowed into the sea, one finds “rollers,” which becomes an horizontal
whirlpool. Finding oneself caught up in
this and swimming to the surface, only drags one under again. I was very wary of the sea and the currents that
could drag one to disaster.
One day I was standing on
the rocks below the lighthouse, when a boy a little older than me, came up to
me and we started talking. He looked
down at the sea below us and before I could stop him he dived in. Eventually
the adrenaline rush wore off and there was no way for him to get out. I shouted
for him to float, and I went looking for a possible place where he could
clamber up out of the choppy sea. A
short distance away, I saw a place and the waves were quite big. The idea was
not to let the wave bash ones’ head on the rocks, but to float with ones’ feet
facing the rocks. I conveyed this idea to him and he swam to that area and the
wave lifted him up and it was like magic; he was left clinging to the rock face
as the wave receded and he was able to scramble up to the top of the rocks. It
was this incident that made me realize that people should not go swimming on
their own in rivers or the sea. If a current pulls you out, do not fight
against it, just float. The sea will
wash you ashore like it does everything else. One must learn to float with the
minimum amount of effort, preserving your strength for when one will really
need it.
Once when I was laid up in
bed, someone gave me a little chicken.
This chicken turned out to be a white leghorn rooster
and when he matured, he would chase everything in the back yard. My mother had
to take a broom with her to ward him off and the Fox Terrier dog kept well away
from him too. When strangers came into
the yard, the rooster would fly up onto their shoulders and frighten the living
daylights out of them! My Dad added a
few hens to our ‘family’ and we never had to buy eggs for the period we lived
Every Saturday, a market was held near a little bridge
in the middle of the small village. People grew their own vegetables and
fishermen brought their fish, and for a penny, one could get a handful of
sweets. It seemed to me that everyone loved this market; not only for the
products, but for the chance they had at talking. Man, could these people talk!
The three years we had at Cape
Hermes was pleasant and from there my Dad
was sent to Cooper Light in Durban
and following that, to the famous Bird Island Lighthouse! “
Bird Island Lighthouse |
With acknowledgement
to Trevor Hannabus for his ‘boyhood’ contribution.
A series by Suzanne-Jo Leff Patterson